Saturday, January 28, 2006

Never Stuff Your Dog and Other Things I've Learned by Alan Alda

I have always loved Alan Alda as an actor and still watch Mash reruns, so I thought it would be entertaining to listen to his book, not realizing it was his autobiography and as a bonus - it was read by him, just making it that much funnier. He grew up in a family of actors - a childhood spent in vaudeville would explain a lot of things. There were a lot of great stories from his life, and another reminder that an acting career is not easy - a constant looking for parts, and when one is good enough - of parts that satisfy. I think I first realized this in a biography of Katherine Hepburn. The title refers to a dog he missed and his father had it stuffed, but it was never the same. You can't "stuff" your past experiences, you just have to move on.
(Finished listening to mid January)

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