Tuesday, April 04, 2017

My Not so Perfect Life by Sophie Kinsella (2017)

I do like these Sophie Kinsella books. Katie is a young woman from Somerset,the countryside in England, but wants to have a career in branding, a form of marketing, and live in London. She gets a job in a company as a junior researcher. Her boss is the brilliant, but scatterbrained Demeter. Katie is given a boring job and she tries to figure out office politics. She lives in a tiny apartment with two others, has a long commute, but keeps posting lovely photos of London an supposedly her perfect life in London. Then she meets Alex at work and has fun with him trying out various toys from China and hanging out a bit, but because of some errors, the company isn't doing well and she gets laid off.

Back in Somerset her father and stepmother want to start a glamping business on their farm, and Katie ends up helping them. (I had heard of glamping, but this gave me more of an insight.) Of course Katie is great at marketing and the business takes off, but then Demeter shows up.

Anyway, good story of  young girl finding herself with the internal dialog Kinsella is so good at. Katie starts out thinking others have these perfect lives and in the end realizes that everyone has bright and shiny spots in their lives and crap reality too.