Sunday, March 06, 2016

Come Rain or Come Shine by Jan Karon (2015)

I was looking for a feel good book to take my mind off the evil I had been reading  about recently, and Jan Karon fits the bill. Though it was not the best book to listen to while driving around Europe - should have had something with a European theme - it kept me going on long stretches of the autobahn.

This was the one where Lace and Dooley finally get to tie the Big Knot. All of the characters from earlier books make an appearance, if they have not passed on - and even many of those were mentioned. Though I've missed a Mitford book here and there, I think I have read enough of them to follow this. I don't know how it would function as a stand alone for someone who has never read any of the Mitford books.

As I come to expect, all is done with heartwarming simplicity, with life's usual foibles thrown in. They have the ceremony out on the farm that Dooley has taken over along with the vet clinic he will be running as a newly minted vet. There is still the usual wedding stress over the dress (Lacey set herself a $100 limit), where to put all the guests, food issues, etc., but with more than one prayer from Father Timothy and everyone else around, all goes well. I think all of Dooley's brothers and sisters end up coming (his family was scattered), not all relationships go smoothly, but the general tone is of a huge, loving family gathering. The greatest new character is Jack Tyler, a four year old, though I thought he was thrown into too much by having the wedding happening on his second or so day out there.

The end was written in the voice of various characters, not all the main ones, and as I was listening, sometimes it took me a while to realize who was speaking/thinking. I actually re-listened to the last part, to make sure I got it. Looks like there are potential love interests developing, and quite a few loose ends tied up. Even with all the praying and God language, this continues to be a favorite feel good series for me.

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