Saturday, August 25, 2012

Grega dienasgrāmata. Neglītā patiesība. Jeff Kinney (2010)

Translation into Latvian of Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth. (original date 2010, translation 2012).

My cousin’s 14 year old granddaughter likes these books, so I bought her a couple in the series  of at least six that have been translated into Latvian. I thought I would read one and found it very amusing. With at least one illustration per page, it is like a comic book with more text than usual, and about a really wimpy kid and his „diary.” In this book he has gotten in a fight with his best friend, Rowley, so he is not quite sure who will be his best friend when he returns to school. There are funny descriptions of sex ed in school, an overnight lock-in at the school, his uncle’s fourth wedding, etc. I will have to look at one of these in English. This may also be a fun way of getting kids reading Latvian.

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