Sunday, July 06, 2008

Welcome to the Monkey House by Kurt Vonnegut (1968)

I seem to want to go back to some of the authors and books I really like in my youth. Though some of the stories seem dated, I still enjoyed this. I had forgotten this book is short stories, so I ran into the same problem I had with Pilgrims - listening to a series of short stories while driving around town makes for a jumble in my mind. I had forgotten how much Vonnegut leaned towards science fiction. He had various stories on the future. Some dealt with overpopulation - either many living in close quarters, or everyone's sex drive taken away, so people wouldn't procreate (in the title story). I do remember the one about the computer that fell in love and wrote love poems. I was a bit surprised about the Kennedy obsession, but then again, it was the 60's. Vonnegut obviously lived in the Cape Cod area, as that is featured in many stories. I think only one story is set in his version of Ithaca - from his Cornell days. Since I listened to this, I will have to wait until a copy is returned to the library to check it out and give more details on individual stories. I probably own a copy, but it's buried deep in the boxes I haven't unpacked since I moved into my parents house.

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