Saturday, February 10, 2007

Smoke in Mirrors by Jayne Ann Krentz (2002)

This was recommended on some library list because the main character is a librarian. Yea! A good mystery with various twists and turns. The romances all came together a bit too patly, but hey, this was just for fun. Leonora's friend Meredith dies, and Thomas Walker comes looking for her, thinking she knows about some big money Meredith scammed out of an alumni endowment fund. Thomas' brother Deke is convinced his wife was murdered a year ago, and maybe Meredith too. The alumni house is the Mirror House, as it has a collection of antique mirrors, and a library to support that collection, that Leonora comes up to catalog online. I liked the setting in the foggy sounds of the state of Washington. There are various references to academe - getting tenure and the sort, enough to make it feel comfortable. I liked Thomas with his dog Wrench - the guy is into tools, and my favorite passage is when he dresses down Leonora's ex - the academic.

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