Sunday, March 06, 2011

Savor the Moment by Nora Roberts (2010)

This is the third book in the Bride Quartet and focuses on Laurel McBane, the pastry chef. I've got to say this is one of the weaker books by Roberts, but she always gives some details I find interesting. After watching some of the cake baking shows on TV, there was not that much new in the pastry side, but I am still interested in how people pull things like this together. The love interest, which was clear from earlier books is Del, her friend Parker's brother. They have to resolve a pretty simple thing about knowing each other since childhood, she having a crush on him from that time, but having kept it just being friends, the move to being romantic partners is not that simple. My biggest problem with some of these series books is that it is a too self contained world. Why in the world would they want to vacation together (the four couples) after working together all year. I guess having a tight knit group of friends is nice, but I like a more expansive approach to life. Laurel at least has traveled, studied in France, worked in NYC, but returns to this secure circle of friends. Now to just get Parker married off to that mechanic Malcolm.

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